How to Make Strategic Partnerships

By Natalie McCarty

Businesses are reluctant to tell you the one big secret that is truly fostering and driving all the biggest corporations: collaboration.

Partnerships and collaborations are IN and it’s apparent. As a publicist, it is imperative for me to critically evaluate trends and offer insightful business perspectives. It falls upon me to discern what works and what doesn’t, and strategize moves that can enhance brand engagement, awareness, and formation.

Additionally, I’ve observed the downfall of brands in the public eye due to ill-fated partnerships. It’s astounding how a single misaligned spokesperson, a mismatch in core values, or a misguided PR move can lead to the demise of a company and a complete tarnishing of its reputation. This is why, in both my own brands and private practices, I am exceptionally intentional and discerning when it comes to selecting collaborators.

Co-founders of Gut Instinct

Certainly, this clarity becomes evident when considering Gut Instinct. I co-founded this company with my dear friend, Stella Violet, whose values, strong work ethic, and creative mindset I deeply admire. The decision to go into business with her was ideal, especially considering that my inspiration for starting this media company stemmed from launching a blog inspired by her writings.

While our original blog space holds a special place in my heart, witnessing Gut Instinct evolve into a digital media company with multiple writers has been incredibly exhilarating. It serves as a true testament to how a partnership can genuinely elevate your brand. Stella consistently injects a breath of fresh perspective into this brand. Having a genuine business partner to rely on, discuss complications with, and consult regarding brand image is truly refreshing.

Stylist, Seth Eldridge

Collab for Gut Instinct Campaign Shoot

Moreover, my recent campaign shoot for the brand serves as a compelling illustration of the substantial impact that quality partnerships can wield on a brand’s image. In collaboration with the accomplished jewelry designer Seth Eldridge and the multi-talented musician and producer Adonis J. Gibson (a name familiar from his previous contributions to Gut Instinct), our unconventional trio harnessed our distinct skills to craft a captivating campaign.

Delving into the realm of strategic partnerships, this collaboration is a prime example. Adonis, with his multifaceted talents, had the opportunity to showcase his skills as a photographer and editor. Seth, through his company Eldridge, not only featured his exquisite jewelry collection but also demonstrated his exceptional talent as a stylist, handcrafting all the knitwear seen in the shoot.

Throughout my association with Seth and Adonis, they consistently brought forth creative ideas, engaging me in enthralling conversations spanning topics from the music industry to careers, self-made businesses, and even discussions on the corruption of old money. Collaborating with these two individuals was the ideal choice for me, knowing that we share similar career goals and aesthetic views. This mutual investment in Gut Instinct beyond the shoot made them intimately familiar with the brand, enabling a seamless collaboration to produce imagery that resonates with the essence of the brand.

McCarty PR

Having this brand to creatively direct and oversee has undoubtedly enhanced my skills as a publicist. It has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in building a brand, deciphering post engagement, and discerning what sells and what doesn’t.

Moreover, it serves as tangible proof for clients of my PR company, McCarty PR, that I am well-acquainted with every facet of the industry — whether in the role of a publicist, a brand creator, or a consumer. This holistic perspective positions me as a valuable asset, capable of navigating the landscape with a 360-degree view.

Establishing strategic partnerships within my own company’s practice not only strengthens our capabilities but also fosters trust among clients. This trust, in turn, enables me to seamlessly connect them with strategic partners aligned with their unique needs and preferences.

Ethan Hoffman

A compelling example of successful strategic partnerships revolves around singer/songwriter Ethan Hoffman, who gained viral attention in one of comedian Morgan Jay’s crowd work videos, sparking a friendship and collaboration with Jay and fellow artist Riley Way (also featured in the video).

Seizing the momentum from their viral video, the trio organized a show at a private venue on December 30th, seamlessly blending musical performance with stand-up comedy. This brilliant partnership not only proved mutually beneficial but also served as continued promotion for their shared video.

Ethan’s exceptional talent for fostering mutually beneficial connections stems from his background in business, cultivated through studies at USC. His knack for networking with the right individuals extends beyond business acumen to engaging with genuine creatives who collaborate effectively. Each member of the trio — Jay, Hoffman, and Way — pursues separate ventures and is currently teasing a project set to drop soon.

In a conversation with Ethan, he underscored the significance of cultivating smart partnerships with individuals who share not only common goals but are also at a similar stage in their careers. Collaborating when everyone is in the process of building their careers proves to be most crucial, fostering mutual growth and establishing a robust network.

Seth & Natalie for Gut Instinct

Ultimately, forging strategic partnerships becomes a straightforward endeavor when you take a few crucial considerations into account. First and foremost, examine whether there is a similarity in brand image. Do you share a common ground in terms of values, aesthetics, and overall brand identity? Additionally, it’s essential to assess whether you genuinely respect the brand, business, company, or individual you’re considering partnering with. This mutual respect lays a solid foundation for a successful collaboration.

Equally important is your belief in their brand. Do you align with their mission and vision to the same extent that they do? This shared belief system enhances the authenticity of the partnership. Lastly, reflect on whether this is someone you would want to work with continuously. The potential for a long-lasting partnership is significantly higher when there is a desire for ongoing collaboration.

Building enduring partnerships and nurturing strong relationships showcases not only excellent business acumen but also signals to future partners that you possess the commitment and dedication necessary for collaborative success. This trait not only enhances your reputation but also positions you as someone capable of sustaining collaborative efforts over the long term.


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