From the Studio to the Stage: Iván Cornejo’s ‘Mirada’ Comes to Life

By Angelica Ruiz

“The reason I named the album ‘Mirada’ is because I feel like a gaze, a stare is a lot deeper than it seems. I feel like you can write a whole fantasy with just looking at someone and them staring back at you… there’s so much deepness when you look into someone’s eyes.”  – Iván Cornejo.

Iván Cornejo’s Mirada is like cracking open a diary you were never meant to find–scribbled in with heartbreak and late-night thoughts. Confessions told through late-night voice messages you’re not brave enough to send. These confessions pull you into a world where every glance, silence, and note tells a story. Before you know it, you’re lost in the blur of longing, regret, and the quiet power of vulnerability. 

Mirada doesn’t just invite you to listen, it challenges you to feel, even if it means you find yourself staring at the ceiling at 3 a.m., lost in a whirlwind of emotions. 

Who is Iván Cornejo?

Iván Cornejo, a remarkably talented singer-songwriter at just 20 years old, is a prominent figure in the Mexican-American community. His music isn’t just a collection of songs, but a vessel for pouring intense emotion and feeling into every note and lyric. He’s renowned for his unique blend of corridos tumbados and sirreño, genres deeply rooted in traditional Mexican music but with a contemporary twist. Cornejo’s themes often resonate with personal struggles, heartbreak, and the universal longing for that one person we all have. 

His album Mirada continues in that vein, delivering emotionally charged tracks that mix intimate storytelling with stripped-down acoustic sounds, making him an essential voice in the new wave of regional Mexican artists.

Sale Para Ser Feliz – ★★★★☆

Iván Cornejo immediately embodies the Mirada (gaze) concept through the first track, Sale Para Ser Feliz. He deeply expresses a sense of emotional disconnection from his past lover. He watches her from afar and feels that this girl he once loved has become a stranger.

However, through the same gaze, Iván notices that the ex-lover’s sadness lingers beneath the surface. He sings, “Sale para ser feliz... pero por dentro su llanto." (She goes out to be happy... but inside she cries)

This is the type of song you hope your past lovers see you through. Full of longing and hope. 

Intercambio Injusto ★★★★★

This isn’t a song that you just sing too; you scream at the top of your lungs (maybe even punching your pillow). 

Imagine seeing the person you once loved, now smiling and happy with someone else, as if you never existed. Ivan Cornejo captures that heartbreak, describing the pain of feeling invisible—“como si fuera transparente”—and the unfairness of healing her heart, only for her to give it to someone else: “yo te arreglé el corazón, y tú se lo diste a él.” His lyrics ask the painful question we all dread: how do we go from saying “I love you” to becoming strangers?

Baby Please – ★★★★★(★)

This song deserves an honorary star. 

Baby Please is full of desperation and longing. Imagine showing up on someone’s doorstep begging for their love. Everything you would say is laid out in this song. 

Herida Abierta – ★★★★★

This song is different from the rest of the album. Herida Abierta evokes a sense of anger with the robust and heavy guitar rhythms. It’s another one you would scream like no one is listening. 

It feels like that moment after a breakup when you’re lying in bed late at night, replaying every memory, wondering how someone moved on so quickly. You're trying to be strong, but every reminder of that one person slowly tears you apart as you learn to face the loneliness.

Vuelve – ★★★★★

This song perfectly encapsulates what it feels like to move on from someone you were so deeply in love with. Even after dating other people, no one compares to the person who has your heart… not even in the little things. 

“Te he tratado de buscar en alguien más, y la verdad, Nadie me lo hace como tú el cereal”

“I have tried to find you in someone else, and the truth is, no one makes cereal for me like you do.”

Interlude – ★★★★☆

For an interlude, this song releases a serotonin I have never experienced before. It’s a sweet-sounding song with a question we all ask ourselves when a relationship goes south: “What happened to us?”

Quiero Dormir Cansado – ★★★☆☆

This song feels like wanting to escape reality entirely like someone pulling the covers over their head to avoid the heartache of missing someone who doesn’t understand their love. The lyrics convey a longing to sleep endlessly, dreaming away the pain, hoping for the day the person returns.

Aquí Te Espero – ★★★★☆

If I had to characterize this song, it would be that one toxic ex. 

The lyrics express the torment of loving someone who holds all the power, yet you still cling to the hope of a second chance, despite knowing they’ve already forgotten you. Even after all the damage done, you’re still willing to wait for them. 

Mirada – ★★★★★

The star of the album. 

This track truly embodies the idea that a gaze spills an entire story. Through this gaze, you come to the slow realization that a love has turned cold. It's the quiet heartbreak of knowing you were always meant to suffer, and it was part of their plan all along. 

Aténcion – ★★★★★

Imagine locking eyes with someone just once, only to be haunted by that fleeting moment, like a mystery you can’t solve. 

The upbeat and fast-paced rhythm of Aténcion perfectly captures the adrenaline rush of locking eyes with someone and hoping to catch their attention—hoping for them to notice you.

Donde Estás – ★★★★★

Donde Estás paints a perfect picture of desperation and longing, like wandering through a dark galaxy, clinging to memories, and battling the reality of moving on.

It’s the haunting feeling of seeing them in your dreams and the harsh reality of waking up to find them gone.

Outro (Duérmete) – ★★☆☆☆

The outro is a sweet way to say goodbye to a night of longing and heartbreak. We end the night by closing our eyes and falling asleep to the sweet memories of past loves. 

* * * * 

From the Studio to the Stage

Iván Cornejo’s ‘Mirada’ was one of the best concerts I have ever attended. It was one where everyone joined in unison to sing and cry the powerful lyrics that Iván had created for us. Opening with the electrifying ‘Sale Para Ser Feliz,’ Cornejo captivated the audience with his raw emotion and impressive vocal range, making each song feel intensely personal. He created individual and intimate moments with the audience as if he were singing to each of us individually. By the night's end, we were all drowning in our tears; we were completely healed from past heartbreaks thanks to the incredible Iván Cornejo. 


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