What Your Favorite Movie Series Says About You 

By Jenna Birdwell

Image Sourced Through Pinterest; Promotional Material for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

As someone with an investigative brain, I have no choice but to observe other people. We all know people who are obsessed with something and maybe you have also observed how they take on minuscule traits from their obsession. 

I love movies, but what I love even more than movies is talking to other people about them. Movies bring people together and we all have that one movie that resonates with us. 

Whether you love movies or not, maybe you can find some similarities in yourself or someone you know in my assumptive list but is backed up with some good old observation. 

Movie BTS from Harry Potter (2001)

Harry Potter 

The Harry Potter community scares me sometimes… but in the best way possible. You guys do not mess around with the categorizing of the houses (I’ve been told I give Hufflepuff energy, and I have yet to truly understand what that means). Harry Potter is not only the most British thing I have ever seen, but it ignites such a feeling that not many movies can do. For the length of time the movie series went on, watchers were able to grow up with Harry, Ron and Hermione which makes the movies feel a bit more like home.

One trait I associate Harry Potter fanatics with is being obsessed with astrological signs. You probably take it very seriously and might determine who you want to date based on their sign. 

Living in Los Angeles, it was exciting when the Harry Potter land at Universal Studios opened and the best part about it is the butterbeer. So, if you love the series, you have either had the butterbeer and would die for it every day, or you have yet to try it and it’s on your bucket list. 

Every single friend of mine who is completely obsessed with Harry Potter has a wand and sometimes it makes me feel like I’m missing out because they make the wands seem so cool…until I learned about the price. 

Movie Still from Twilight (2008)


Not adding Twilight to this list would be criminal, for it has shaped the way many people view vampires and sparked the widely known debate, team Edward or team Jacob. In 2008, the world was in desperate need of some moody love triangles, so Twilight came, and people still have posters hanging in their rooms. 

Now, this could be completely wrong and a stretch if you may, but here are a few actors that I think you also find super cute if you love Robert Pattinson and/or Taylor Lautner: young Matt Dillon, Heath Ledger, Skeet Ulrich, and Brad Pitt. These stars may not necessarily resemble the two Twilight men, but their characters in movies are moody and villainous which gives them a bad-boy sex-appeal. 

Since the series came out during peak 2000’s fashion, you more than likely are still thrifting for the lowest rising jeans and highest flip flop heels at the store. We all know Y2K is back in style and I can’t help but associate the fashion with Twilight, for the movie showcases some pretty iconic outfits from Bella that are simple yet embody what people from 2008 actually wore. 

Movie Still from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Pirates of the Caribbean

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise had so many people in a chokehold, some were in it for the ridiculous action scenes blended with humorous one liners and others were hopelessly in love with the handsome Will Turner or the sexy Elizabeth Swan. Now that I am older and have more knowledge on our world’s history, I now know what pirates REALLY were like. They were scoundrels, thieves, assailants, and did not have perfect eyebrows like the lovely Elizabeth. 

I might be the only person I know that watches the movies anymore, but I do know that there are some people out there who would love to live a life sailing out on the sea (minus the scurvy). 

If you love the movie series, one thing I can guarantee you did is watch the Amber Heard versus Johnny Depp trial in 2022 and, let me guess, you were team Johnny. 

Another attribute you may possess is your fashion sense is very layered. The pirates in the movies had frilly white blouses and large leather belts that were then adorned with gold medallions; even if you don’t find yourself dressing as crazy as the pirates, but you for sure like the look of two or three necklaces layered on top of one another. 

Movie BTS from Fast and the Furious (2001)

Fast and the Furious 

Personally, I am not the biggest Fast and the Furious fanatic, but I do love a good action movie. When I asked some friends what their favorite movie series was, they said I had to include these movies and I mean it’s obvious it has credibility, for they have made thirteen movies total. 

To say that a person who loves the movies must love cars as well would be too easy for me to say, but I do think people who love the movies may also have a close relationship with material items, such as luxury cars. The fast cars are quite a sight, and you may have an appreciation for cars and all their features. 

I also think that you have an adventurous side to you that you hope to, or already are, following your wild side. 

Long walks on the beach? 


You like a good road trip with views of every landscape you could possibly imagine. 

Movie Still from Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)

Star Wars 

Last but certainly not least is Star Wars because of course. Star Wars fans rule the movie world and can’t help but include themselves in any conversation about the movies. The older movies are iconic when it comes to the costumes, the cinematography and the characters will always have a place in so many people’s hearts. 

If Star Wars is your top choice, then you have probably thought about going to some kind of convention. It doesn’t even have to be for the Star Wars movies, but you have thought about going to some kind of convention with cosplaying and all the fun stuff that comes with being a super-fan. 

You have also thought about getting a Lego set and I think that assumption I have is pretty self-explanatory. 

You may not necessarily have an infatuation with space, but you do enjoy researching existential topics. Some may categorize you as a “dork” but who cares because you are such a fun person to talk to at any party. 


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