Season of the Witch: A Beginner’s Guide to Crystals

By El Weiss

Image Sourced Through Pinterest

A Preface

For the past five years, my love for crystals has only grown deeper. It’s become such a part of me that strangers often approach me in shops, seeking advice on these mesmerizing stones. Crystal healing is based on the belief that crystals carry energies that can influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The idea is that they emit vibrations that interact with our body’s energy fields. If you're into chakras, crystals are also believed to help balance them, creating a sense of harmony and inner peace. But ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what crystals mean to you and how they fit into your life.

Even if you’re skeptical about their mystical properties, the placebo effect is undeniable. When you invest belief in something, your subconscious mind begins to manifest your desires into reality. So, whether you’re looking for aesthetic decor, curious to give them a try, or ready to fully immerse yourself in the magical, metaphysical world of crystals, here’s everything you need to know.

How Can You Use Them?

The options are endless. Depending if you want to focus on the spirituality aspect, your options vary. For my not so spiritual girlies, they are the perfect decor. If you’re into the “girls who cluster” movement, they’re perfect for clustering on your desk or bedside table. But if you want to go the spiritual route, here is a list including some ideas to get you started. 

★ Place them in your plant pots (Curious about how this works? Here’s a great article about plants and crystals! 

★ Keep them in your pocket, backpack, or purse

★ Place them under your pillow

★ Wear them as jewelry (Necklaces, rings, etc)

★ Hold them while you manifest or meditate

Image sourced from @girlswhocluster on Instagram

What Crystals to Start With

If you’ve done some research, you’ve probably noticed the recommendations for “essential” crystals vary wildly. The truth is, you should start with what naturally draws you in. However, the following crystals are generally considered great for beginners:

Clear Quartz: Known as the Master Healer by the crystal community due to its versatility. Brings clarity and amplifies energy.

Amethyst: This stone is a fan favorite. It brings calmness, soothes anxiety, and helps with sleep. 

Rose Quartz: This gorgeous pink stone is for all kinds of love. It encourages self love and helps with romantic relationships. 

Carnelian: Carnelian focuses on enhancing your confidence but also sparks creativity and joy.

Hematite: This silvery crystal is normally found in the form of rings. The story is that you wear the ring until it breaks meaning it has served you. It’s famed for its protective powers. 

Selenite: Also known as Satin Spar, this silky stone is cleansing. It brings clarity and is a staple for anyone tapping into their spiritual journey. 

Citrine: The bright colors of the stone are so appealing and draw you in. It lends light and energy and is said to bring you luck. 

Image sourced from Pinterest 

Charging & Cleansing

Just as crystals care for you, they need care in return. There are two main practices: charging and cleansing. Charging your crystals sets intentions and enhances their power, while cleansing revitalizes and renews them. Here are some popular methods:

★ Set your stones in the moon or sun (placing them on your windowsill is a great way to do so)

★ Place your crystals on or near selenite for a powerful energy

★ Use incense to cleanse and purify their energy

Image Sourced Through Pinterest

Whether you're a seasoned crystal enthusiast or just starting out, the world of crystals offers endless possibilities for personal growth and healing. These stones, each with their unique energies and stories, invite you to explore new dimensions of self-discovery and well-being. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to incorporate crystals into your life—let your gut instinct (wink wink) guide you. Whether you use them as powerful tools for spiritual practice or simply enjoy their aesthetic charm, the magic of crystals lies in the meaning and intention you give them. So, embrace the journey, trust your instincts, and let these natural wonders enhance your life in ways both big and small.


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