How To: Make Plans out of the Group Chat

By Stella Violet

Do you know that feeling when you want to plan a trip with your friends but are terrified of all the ways it could go wrong? Well, I’ve not only been there, but I’ve done that. Here’s what to avoid and how to make your next vacation your best.

The first step is to be transparent and let your friends know as early in advance as possible where you want to go, how much it will cost, and when you want to go. This will ensure that everyone has ample time beforehand to take time off work and save money.

During the research process, it is essential to know how much money to spend on a hotel, depending on how much you want to spend and how much you’ll stay there. If you want to stay in and enjoy the view, spend more money on the place you’re staying and opt-in for a better view. On the opposite end, if you’re going to go out every day and only use the hotel as a place to sleep, then look for a more affordable option closer to the places you want to go to. However, always read reviews before booking any hotel to avoid unnecessary stress and ensure safety.

Once you decide where you’ll stay, plan out how you’ll get there. If you’re flying, your plane tickets should be one of the first things you buy. Do not wait. The longer you wait to buy a plane ticket, the more expensive it will become. If you can fly in and out on weekdays, do it. This is almost always the cheapest option. If you’re driving, make sure your car is big enough for you, your friends, and most importantly, your stuff. I would also recommend splitting the drive with as many people as possible to make the drive more manageable for everyone,

Once the main details are ironed out, create a Pinterest board for outfits and start pinning. This will make it easier when it comes time to pack your suitcase. Additionally, create a “TikTok collection” for all the places you want to visit during your trip. Make sure to include your friends in this process and ask beforehand what they want to do.

Create a loosely-based itinerary based on what you and your friends want to do on the Notes app and share it with the group chat. This will allow people to add to it and discuss what is non-negotiable and what places are not the most important on the list. Doing this lets you know what your friends want to do and what places could be cut for time. It is also important to remember where you are going and how far away you are from them. Meaning, be realistic with your schedule, when you wake up, and how much you want to spend on transportation.

Now that you’ve planned where you’re staying, what you’re doing, and how you’re getting there, the next step is to know your own and others’ boundaries. Most likely, you will live with your friends for the next few days, which means little to no time for yourself. Hopefully, you know these people well enough to know what pisses them off and vice versa. Try to let loose and choose your battles. You are on vacation, for God’s sake. If a conflict arises, know when to hold your tongue; it will save you time and energy in the long run.

Going with the flow should always be the main priority on a trip with friends, the more you overthink and overplan, the more room you leave for error. Know that sometimes, not everything on the itinerary will pan out. A place might be closed, traffic might be crazy, or everyone might wake up later than expected. Rather than complaining, try to enjoy that there are other things everyone wants to do and that you get an escape from reality for a while. Look for those backup plans you included in your Notes app and keep a smile on your face.

Take tons of photos and videos from your trip and remember that social media was designed for sharing. If you think posting five times in one week is too many, get over it. The whole point of Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat is to share as much as you want. And, even if you don’t want to post every photo, it is always better to keep the memory to look back on later.

At the end of the day, going on a trip should be fun, and it can only be as fun as you make it. If you find yourself stressed out or not interested, be transparent before committing to a trip. Go in with an open mind and a sense of joy to just be on vacation with your friends, and I promise it will be a vacation worth remembering.


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