How to Avoid Rotting Away in Your Room

By Stella Violet

This past Thanksgiving week, I have been hibernating, and it has been wonderful. During these episodes, I typically spend a few days alone in my room, consuming Powerade Zero or Diet Coke, a bag of those off-brand Trader Joe’s Taki’s, and trashy reality television.

To avoid a full-on mental breakdown, I allow myself to do this once a month; even party girls need time to themselves. I justify this behavior by promising myself that once I am done hibernating, I will clean my entire house. The end of this period is the most difficult because I will simply avoid everyone until there is an event for me to attend. Then I simply get up, put on my airpods, and clean.

I prefer to live my life as if I were in a book rather than a movie because it is more poetic that way. This week was definitely a “My Year of Rest and Relaxation” kind of week. Most days blurred together and my dreams were very vivid.

What got me out of bed today was coffee with my close friend, Mia. She is the kind of friend I do not get to see very often, but we can always get right back where we left off. In our pjs, we drove 30 minutes to a new coffee shop and caught up on our lives..

I then retreated home and got to cleaning, especially since my roommate Sarah was coming home today.

When I got home, I checked my phone, saw the word “shipped” on my notifications, and clicked right away. In my hibernation haze, I had spent an ungodly amount of money on various different apps. And, to be honest, I was not mad.

I bought some new shoes, hair bows, and shimmery sheer tights. Also, a lot of socks because once I wear a pair, I swear I’ll never see them again.

Some people claim that money does not solve problems, but they have obviously never met me. I know I placed this order with the intention of looking and feeling my best once I am out of my funk. I’m not advising anyone to go place mass orders at places they cannot afford, but I’m just saying it might make you feel a tiny bit better.

My overall message is to give yourself permission to rest when you need it, even if it is for a few days. But also to recognize when it is time to get up and leave the house, grab a close friend, go out for lunch or coffee, and talk.

After next week, I will be done with my semester at college and be on full-time party girl mode. I have a few parties lined up for this weekend already and I cannot wait to dissect them with you.

Until Then,



“It’ll Pass”


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