A Girl’s Guide to a Night Out

By Stella Violet

First, the vibe needs to be good upon entering the pregame. Whatever the week threw at you no longer matters; leave it at the door. It’s the weekend; grab a Red Bull, throw on a mini-skirt, some eye shadow and a smile.

If you decide to get ready with your friends, you can have a maximum of three shots; any more than that, and you may not survive past the pregame.

Blast music everyone knows, and reschedule Phoebe Bridgers and Mitski for Sunday. It’s always important to make sure you’re playing music everyone can vibe to and get everyone excited for the weekend. Regardless of where you pregame, never let it last longer than an hour after your event has started. Never be the first person at a party but don’t go so late that you miss most of it.

Figure out who is the least drunk out of your friends, and that person will be “mother.” Then, find someone who is not looking for a guy or won’t leave you the second you enter; that will be your assigned partner for the evening. Then, see who is the drunkest and keep your eyes on them all night to ensure they don’t embarrass themselves or run away.

Before going out, always watch Uber or Lyft prices, and if your event is within 30 minutes walking distance, walk. You will save so much money, and once you’ve had a few drinks, you’ll hardly even realize you’ve been walking. However, if that is not possible, Uber and Lyft prices fluctuate every five minutes, so keep an eye out and book the cheapest thing you can find.

Whichever way you are going to get somewhere, make sure the energy continues to be high. Play loud music, dance, laugh, and most importantly, act like this event, party, or concert will be the best thing you’ve ever been to, even if it’s not. If you come in with your friends, full of excitement, others will match your energy, and you’ll have a great time.

One great advice is to have up to two drinks wherever you go. You’ve already pre-gamed; there is no reason you need more than two drinks, or you will end up passed out on somebody’s front lawn.

Make sure to set up a bottle of water and makeup wipes for your future self before you leave. Listen, I’m not one of those people who does their entire skincare routine after going out, but water and makeup wipes are the bare minimum. You’ll thank yourself later.

One of the most important things you can do when going out is take photos. Find that friend with a digital camera and get to posing. It doesn’t matter if all of them are going to be “Instagram worthy,” but it’s important to keep the memories of your night out. Whatever you do, don’t lose the camera and create a group chat where you can drop the photos in, in the morning.

Remember that friend who went a little too hard at the pregame? Check on them. By now, you’ve been at the party, chatting up randoms, some friends are dancing, and some are in the bathroom taking selfies. But that friend who went too hard should be by someone’s side at all times.

For those of you who like to flirt with others at parties, believe your friends who tell you maybe you should walk away. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, but sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and know when you’re dropping your standards. Sometimes, an ounce of male attention is not worth your self-respect. This can also leave you with major “hang-xiety” in the morning.

Speaking of, keep track of time. The perfect time to leave the party is between 1:30 A.M. and 2:00 A.M. Anything later can leave you in an awkward spot. The only exception is if you know these people well or you’re spending the night.

However, 15 minutes before ordering an Uber or walking home, round up your friends. Ensure there’s a spot at the party or outside where you can all sit and chat before leaving. Always make sure you’re not leaving someone behind, and thank the host before you leave.

Lately, my friends and I have tried to get up somewhat early the next day and walk to brunch to debrief. This is a perfect way to talk about what happened last night, nourish your bodies, and send photos and videos. It’s obviously not necessary, but on the weekends, there are usually farmers markets and cute brunch spots, so you can get your bodies moving and not feel so guilty about going out the night before.

Regardless, have fun, be responsible, and remember: if you do something you regret, chances are you’ll never see those people again.


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