Breaking Down Angel Numbers
By El Weiss
A guide from someone who has a 444 tattoo.
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Ever see repeating numbers when you’re out and about? Or always coincidentally check your phone at 4:44? You’re not alone. You’re experiencing a phenomenon called angel numbers. If you want to learn the ins and outs of the magical numbers and how to harness them, you’re in the right place.
What is An Angel Number?
As above mentioned, angel numbers are normally referred to as a set of repeating numbers such as 444 or 1111. They stick out and can hold profound meaning to anyone who wishes to believe in them- they often show up when you need a sign or are feeling unsure. These numbers are considered to be a sign from the divine. Whether you believe in a deity or the universe or anything in between, they signify that someone is looking out for you. Furthermore, they aren’t related to your zodiac sign. Meaning, anyone can relate to them and feel a deeper connection to these numbers.
However, it spans beyond that and can be any number imaginable. In this article, we are going to focus on the most common ones.
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How Can You Use Them?
Like a lot of aspects in spirituality, there is no right way to practice. Many people use angel numbers to manifest. For example, if you find yourself needing protection, you can meditate with 444 in mind. Some other ideas include practicing gratitude, using affirmations, and writing down the instances you spot them or taking a picture.
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Now, The Numbers
Here is a breakdown of the most common angel numbers you’ll encounter, but don’t forget that anything can be significant to you if you believe in it.
☆ 000 - Get ready for new beginnings and accept it with open arms. You’re entering a new brighter chapter in your life.
☆ 111 - Commonly confused with 1111, 111 actually has a different meaning. 111 signifies divine alignment. Listen to your gut instinct and be patient as good vibes are coming your way.
☆ 222 - You’re at the right place and you’re entering a harmonious period in your life.
☆ 333 - 333 is a reminder to stop worrying so much. The number also symbolizes creativity and intuition.
☆ 444 - Your angels are nearby. You are protected and safe.
☆ 555 - This is confirmation that transformation is coming in a major but good way.
☆ 666 - Don’t lose sight of what's really important. It’s easy to get distracted by all of the moving parts of life but trust in what's right in front of you.
☆ 777 - This number also signifies change but in the context of new experiences. Think of the Led Zep lyric “Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on.”
☆ 888 - Go you! Your manifestations and affirmations are working and are about to pay off.
☆ 999 - Much needed closure is coming your way <3
☆ 1111 - Take a breath, everything is going to be okay. Many people make a wish at 11:11 due to its power. Everything is on schedule and you’re on the right track.